What it is

June 2010: In a desperate attempt to stave off senility, the monkey began writing a poem a day. By summer's end he'd begun to run out of versified political rants and philosophical bloviations. Then he hit on the improbable idea of writing micro fiction in the form of Elizabethan sonnets. Eureka. The birth of the "Sonnets From Other Lives" series. Two hundred plus lives later, he's still at it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sonnets From Other Lives: Naomi

She has an eye for serendipity
& views the world through kismet colored glass.
What other eyes ignore our Naomi
catches & connects & fixes fast
into a web of interwoven circumstance.
She’ll take each moment as its own surprise—
a grace note in an improvised square dance
that she can see unfold before her eyes.
So when her cells launched their ambuscade
she felt their spreading networks intersect
through her opioid & reefer haze.
She sees the drama with a new respect.
These things never unfold as she expects.
She waits—observant—for what happens next.

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