What it is

June 2010: In a desperate attempt to stave off senility, the monkey began writing a poem a day. By summer's end he'd begun to run out of versified political rants and philosophical bloviations. Then he hit on the improbable idea of writing micro fiction in the form of Elizabethan sonnets. Eureka. The birth of the "Sonnets From Other Lives" series. Two hundred plus lives later, he's still at it.

Friday, August 6, 2010


What if the Belle of Amherst
Could have posted in her Blog--
About Things with Feathers--
And starting early with her Dog--
Of Enigmatic Mysteries--
That give Sophomores Migraines--
And how the Yellow Rose of Texas
Can colonize one's Brain

Would she wax Agoraphobically
About the World Wide Web?
Post Videos on YouTube?
(Tulle Tippets by Versace--
The Limo Driver-- Death)

1 comment:

  1. Being under virtual house arrest, I get to thinking about Emily Dickinson.& then proceed to mock her with Lit Major in-jokes. Really Emily I LOVE YOU! You still da bomb!
