What it is

June 2010: In a desperate attempt to stave off senility, the monkey began writing a poem a day. By summer's end he'd begun to run out of versified political rants and philosophical bloviations. Then he hit on the improbable idea of writing micro fiction in the form of Elizabethan sonnets. Eureka. The birth of the "Sonnets From Other Lives" series. Two hundred plus lives later, he's still at it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Summer lights the Northern Hemisphere
in blazing days & lapis luzuli skies
that loll above a torpid atmosphere
'till sunset breezes float us into night.
We lust after the sun and after water--
for pools & ponds & rivers & for oceans.
Skin resents cloth's superfluous bother--
would be skyclad & anointed in lotions.
Days now linger. Nights now saunter by
in lazy city sidewalk passenggiattas
or fields of children stalking fireflies
or eaters--al fresco, sated and besotted.
Time to praise these days. Light fires. Watch them burn,
& toast the sun before the the dark returns.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to mess with some formal structure here. Weirdly, it works as a kind of sneak attack on the muse--the form encourages the message & wrestling with the structure adds to the fun factor.
