What it is

June 2010: In a desperate attempt to stave off senility, the monkey began writing a poem a day. By summer's end he'd begun to run out of versified political rants and philosophical bloviations. Then he hit on the improbable idea of writing micro fiction in the form of Elizabethan sonnets. Eureka. The birth of the "Sonnets From Other Lives" series. Two hundred plus lives later, he's still at it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sonnets From Other Lives: Bud & Nanci

Walking on the waterfront at night
as city lights reflect & multiply
a merge of selves has moved to where they might
need to be with each other for life.

A ferry pulls away (with its reflection--
it is two ferries now --a gala thing).
Just watching their adorable affection
brings a smile to a busker who then sings

Darling you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh send me…
They stop to listen--stay for the whole song--
lean into each other for a friendly
kiss & pay the singer & move on.

The busker thanks them both--then starts to sing
about Ain’t nothing like the real thing…

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